“A Feast for the Senses: The Psychological Art of Eating Well” by Jared Gleaton
Congratulations to my valued book development client Jared Gleaton on the publication of A Feast for the Senses: The Psychological Art of Eating Well. Join Jared on his deeply personal and transformative journey as he sheds 170 pounds in just … Continue reading
“Practical Manifestation” by Igor Vainshtein
Congratulations to my valued book development client, Igor Vainshtein, on the publication of his groundbreaking new book, Practical Manifestation: How to Leverage the Principles of Project Management to Turn Your Dreams into Reality. This book combines two seemingly unrelated approaches … Continue reading
“A Toxin-Free Pregnancy” by Dr. Labib Ghulmiyyah and Dr. Caehla McGready
Congratulations to my valued book development clients Dr. Labib Ghulmiyyah and Dr. Caehla McGready on the summer 2024 publication of their groundbreaking self-help health book, A Toxin-Free Pregnancy. This powerful and insightful guide reveals how human history is deeply intertwined … Continue reading
Be Nice to Your Reader!
I may be wading into treacherous waters here, but in my humble opinion too many literary novels that are highly praised by critics are in fact nearly incomprehensible to the average adult reader; and I get the feeling that too … Continue reading
Your Novel May Not Be Real, But It Must Be Believable!
In storytelling and novel writing, there is a big difference between what is objectively real and what is believable. This is the two-part rule: 1. Nothing in your story needs to be real. 2. Everything in your story must be … Continue reading
“Becoming Invaluable” Is an Invaluable Self-Help Book!
Congratulations to my valued clients Steven J. Bowen and Terry Lyles, Ph.D., on the publication of their new book, Becoming Invaluable: Develop the Willitude to Navigotiate Success. What does it mean to be invaluable? The authors suggest that it’s entirely … Continue reading
“Highwire Act & Other Tales of Survival” by JoeAnn Hart
Congratulations to our family friend and neighbor JoeAnn Hart on the publication of her collection of eighteen short stories, Highwire Act & Other Tales of Survival. This captivating and beautifully written ensemble resonates with recurring themes of change, both in … Continue reading
“One Thousand and One Arabian Nights”
I may be a little late to the game…. but recently I picked up a copy of the Oxford University Press paperback edition of “One Thousand and One Arabian Nights,” newly interpreted by Geraldine McCaughrean, a highly regarded British author … Continue reading
“The Peaceful Man” by Brad Mewhort
Congratulations to Brad Mewhort on the publication of his new book, “The Peaceful Man: Heal Within Yourself the Personal Effects and Historic Patterns of Male-on-Male Violence.” The author, who grew up experiencing family and neighborhood male-on-male violence, and who himself … Continue reading