“Practical Manifestation” by Igor Vainshtein
Congratulations to my valued book development client, Igor Vainshtein, on the publication of his groundbreaking new book, Practical Manifestation: How to Leverage the Principles of Project Management to Turn Your Dreams into Reality. This book combines two seemingly unrelated approaches … Continue reading
My 1-2-3 Formula to Writing a Business Book
Every business or management book seeks to solve a problem for the entrepreneur, corporate leader, or manager who picks it up. The reader faces a challenge—say, stagnant revenues, lack of innovation, employee disengagement—and looks to the author for answers. The … Continue reading
How the Economy Affects Trends in Self-Help Books
I’ve been ghostwriting and editing non-fiction books and novels since late 2007. As you’ll recall, that was the beginning of the Great Recession. It lingered for years, wreaking havoc on our national economy and way of life. The US gross … Continue reading
Follow the Rules—Except When You Break Them
As a professional ghostwriter of self-help and business books, an important part of my job is to help my valued client identify the problem they intend to solve for their reader, as well as its solution. The problem and solution … Continue reading
The Power of Storytelling in Business Books
When you think of the salient characteristics of a non-fiction self-help business book, what comes to mind? At first, you might expect such a book to be a “how-to” manual, with instructions on how to accomplish a specified goal. The … Continue reading
How Long Should Your Book Be?
Many of my valued clients ask me, “How long should my book be?” My answer is, “Your book is like your legs. Your legs should be long enough to reach the ground. Your book is no different.” They think for … Continue reading
Your 3 Choices: Self-Publish, Subsidy Publisher, or Book Deal
When I work with a client as their ghostwriter or book developer, one of the first questions they ask me is how they should publish and market their book. I explain to them that many artists and creators, including musicians, … Continue reading
Why I’m a Happy Ghostwriter
There seems to be a lot of interest in ghostwriters these days, perhaps spurred by the recent “Gathering of the Ghosts,” a one-day convocation in New York of around 140 successful ghostwriters. They came together, it seems, mostly to complain … Continue reading
“Becoming Invaluable” Is an Invaluable Self-Help Book!
Congratulations to my valued clients Steven J. Bowen and Terry Lyles, Ph.D., on the publication of their new book, Becoming Invaluable: Develop the Willitude to Navigotiate Success. What does it mean to be invaluable? The authors suggest that it’s entirely … Continue reading
Write a Book and Rise Above the Crowd
We live and work in a business environment that is intensely competitive. Top-tier business schools churn out thousands of new graduates every year, all looking to make their mark in the corporate world. New hires fight their way up the … Continue reading