My Five-Step Guide to Getting Started on Your Self-Help Book by Thomas Hauck, Ghostwriter and Book Editor
Recently I received an email from a prospective client. Here’s what he said: “I want to write a book about passive income in real estate for the busy professional. Can you help me with my outline? I would like to … Continue reading
When Writing Your Book – Plan Ahead! Advice from Ghostwriter and Book Editor Thomas Hauck
I’m often approached by potential clients who want to write a non-fiction self-help book, or have me ghostwrite a book for them. Sometimes the author has a very good idea of what they want, and sometimes they have no idea. … Continue reading
Developmental Editing for Novels: What You Need to Know, by Thomas Hauck, Ghostwriter and Book Editor
Book editors talk a lot about developmental editing. This is the process whereby the editor reads your manuscript from a “high vantage point,” considering only the basic building blocks of plot, character, voice, pacing, and so forth. It’s like a … Continue reading
How to Structure a Self-Help Book – Advice from Thomas Hauck, Ghostwriter and Book Editor
If you go on the internet, you’ll find all sorts of editors who talk about developmental editing. This is described as being the process whereby the editor takes a long view of your book and critiques how it’s organized, the … Continue reading
Why It’s a Bad Idea to Hire a Low-Bid Ghostwriter – Advice from Thomas Hauck, Professional Book Editor
Okay, I’ll come right out and say it: there are plenty of ghostwriters who charge less than I do. (There are some who charge more, too, but I’m talking about my market.) You can see them on Elance, when they … Continue reading
The First Step to Writing Your Self-Help Book: Get Organized! Advice from Thomas Hauck, Ghostwriter and Book Editor
Let’s say you’re a professional in practice, or you’re someone who has a message to share with your audience. You may be in marketing, sales, finance, healthcare, public safety, or nutrition; or perhaps your message is spiritual in nature. And … Continue reading