The Three Methods of Internal Corporate Communication
Let’s say a leader or founder has a vision for their company. The vision is clear and simple, and represents an improvement in the lives of the company’s stakeholders and customers. The leader is purpose-driven, meaning they know what to … Continue reading
If You’re Explaining, You’re Losing
In politics, an axiom drilled into the head of every candidate for office is that when you’re in a debate or answering questions from the press, “If you’re explaining, you’re losing.” Attributed to President Ronald Reagan, this means that explaining … Continue reading
My 1-2-3 Formula to Writing a Business Book
Every business or management book seeks to solve a problem for the entrepreneur, corporate leader, or manager who picks it up. The reader faces a challenge—say, stagnant revenues, lack of innovation, employee disengagement—and looks to the author for answers. The … Continue reading